Les bourses JAUW permettent aux chercheurs et étudiants diplômés d’effectuer un séjour d’étude de 4 à 6 mois dans un institut supérieur au Japon.
La date limite de candidature est fixée au 31 mars 2019

Conditions de candidature – Bourses d’études au Japon 2019
Les candidats doivent être des femmes non japonaises âgées de moins de 45 ans.
Les candidats doivent vivre hors du Japon au moment de la demande.
Les candidats doivent être titulaires d’une maîtrise ou plus.
Avoir obtenu une admission dans une institution au Japon.

Comment postuler?- Bourses d’études au Japon 2019

Pour postuler, vous devez utiliser les formulaires désignés, téléchargeables à partir d’ici:

Formulaire de demande 2019, partie 1 (Données personnelles),
Formulaire de demande 2019, partie 2 (Proposition et données connexes),
Formulaire 2019 de lettre d’acceptation (Assurez-vous de demander à votre professeur hôte d’utiliser ce formulaire pour rédiger une lettre d’acceptation. Les autres formulaires ne seront pas acceptés.)
Formulaire de certificat de santé 2019,

2019 JAUW

Deadline for Currently Inviting Application
March 31, 2019

Japanese Association of University Women (JAUW) is now calling for Applications for its 2019 International Fellowships.

Objective of this Program
To allow promising researchers/graduate students in any field to spend a period of time in residence in a graduate/research institute etc. in Japan.

Outline of JAUW International Fellowship Program

  1. The program is open to applications between November 2018 and March 31, 2019.
  2. The program will allow maximum of 2 recipients, each winning between Yen500,000 and up to Yen1,000,000 to support transportation to and from Japan and cost for her stay in Japan.
  3. The period of stay in Japan under this award is for 4 to 6 months between October 2019 and March 2020.
  4. The program cannot be extended in any event.

Applicant Eligibility

  1. Applicants must be of non-Japanese women in the age below 45.
  2. Applicants must live outside Japan at the time of application.
  3. Applicants must hold a Master’s Degree or above.
  4. Applicants need to identify an institution/university in Japan where to conduct research.

They need to have contacted and obtained a consent from a host at the identified institution/university before application. JAUW won’t extend any help regarding this matter.

  1. Applicants must submit application forms according to the Instructions.

For details of this program, please see the INSTRUCTIONS, which is downloadable from below. 
INSTRUCTIONS for 2019 JAUW International Fellowship Application, (pdf)


To apply, you have to use the designated forms, downloadable from here : 
2019 Application Form Part 1 (Personal Data), (pdf) &word (docx)

2019 Application Form Part 2 (Proposal & Related Data), (pdf) word (docx)

2019 Form of a Letter of Acceptance (pdf) & word (docx) 
(Be sure to ask your host professor etc. to use this form when writing a Letter of Acceptance. Other forms shall not be accepted.)

     2019 Form of Certificate of Health, (pdf)

Thank you for your interest in this program.

 JAUW International Fellowship Committee
